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5 People You should Take On A Fishing Trip!

Alpine Lake Ready To Be Fished

This time I'm taking a break from my anatomy series to talk about those you should choose to spend your time on the water with. Some of these are no- brainers but in the end it's all about spreading the word and making our sport better.

Someone You Pay:

Whether it's your favorite stream or a fishing trip to a faraway place you should at least once in your life PAY A GUIDE! It's innumerable the amount of information you can glean from a simple day on the water with someone who makes a living doing that very thing. That information WILL make you a better fisherman.

A Friend From Work Or School:

Tired of not having anything in common with the people from work? FIX THAT! Invite him or her to go fishing. Soon that water cooler talk will revolve around what fly to use and if the weather will hold up this weekend for that trip you have planned.

Your Significant Other:

It could be your partner of 20 years or maybe 2 weeks but I’ll bet money they will love to see just what exactly you're so infatuated with. And showing them your favorite pastime may reveal a part of you they have never seen before. (I highly recommend this for new relationships, your just gonna have to trust me on this one).

A Veteran:

So there's this person down the street that wears their Uniform on holidays and you see them every so often. Maybe they keep to him or herself? Maybe they live alone? Maybe he or she doesn’t get around too well? But you have just wanted to stop them and say "THANK YOU". I can't think of a better way to tell them just that very thing.

A Kid:

If we want our sport to survive into tomorrow we have to get our youth involved. I promise you, NOTHING in this world is more rewarding than helping a kid catch their first fish. (I've done it 3 times) and I remember every one as if it happened yesterday and they’re some of the fondest memories I have with my children. From the look on their faces to the pure joy you will feel in your heart, very little in this world compares.

Until next time!

Tight lines!

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